Digital Outreach Kit
Can you help us get the word out about our services? This page has everything you need.
Unity Hope delivers crisis support for California communities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and administered by the California Mental Health Services Authority through the state project known as CalHope. Unity Hope is a regional project of the Unity Social Justice Center, a subcontracted organization focusing on The Inland Empire and Coachella Valley (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties), with special statewide outreach to Young Adults and the LGBTQIA+ community.
What is the Unity Hope Project?
Unity Hope builds community resiliency and helps people recover from disasters through free crisis counseling, distribution of information about available resources, and grounding our communities in the strength of our unity with each other.
What We Do
The Unity Hope Project provides culturally and ethnically diverse peer crisis counselors in Southern California, including student peer crisis counselors, counselors of faith, and LGBTQIA+ counselors.
The Calhope Warmline
Peer Crisis Counselors are standing by, ready to offer safe, secure, and culturally sensitive support for Californians who may need it. We can connect you with resources, or just give you someone to talk to. Help could be a call away.
(833) 317-4673
Free Workshops and Group Counseling
Unity Hope and Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance are proud to offer a range of workshops, panels, community discussions, and training on topics such as Mental Health, LGBTQIA+ support, Inland Empire Resources, and more.
CalHOPE Connect
Peer Crisis Counselors are standing by, ready to offer safe, secure, and culturally sensitive support for Californians who may need it. We can connect you with resources, or just give you someone to talk to. Available as a discreet chat service at
Connections to Resources
Contact Us Directly
In certain circumstances we may offer in-person individual or group counseling, as well as in-person outreach and presentations when requested. Contact us directly for more information.
Help Spread The Word
Share Our Social Media Posts or Pages Directly
Our social media sites includes a mix of stress relief tips, wholesome content, useful resources, and encouragement to talk to someone if you need it. Tell your friends or followers that you’re sharing this information with them because you care about them. We’re in this together.
Click the buttons below to visit our sites.
(Opens in Google Drive)
Request Flyers
Do you have a physical space you can post or leave flyers? Request flyers from us.
How To Talk About Mental Health
“You are not alone. Californians are coming together to rebuild. Call CalHOPE and speak to a Peer Crisis Counselor today.”
“Approximately 1 in 5 adults, 43.8 million Americans, experience some form of mental illness in a given year. You can survive this. CalHOPE can help.”
“I care about you. I’m sharing this information about CalHOPE because nobody should be alone. Help is out there.”
“Help could be a call away. CalHOPE’s Peer Crisis Counselors can connect you with local resources or just give you someone to talk to. Either way, CalHOPE is here.”
Toolkit: Social Media Images
To download, right click and click “save image as”.

Toolkit: Sample Social Posts
If you’re feeling stressed, frustrated, or anxious due to #COVID19 and how it may continue to affect your life, live chat with us today at, a proud partner of UnityHope.
We can wear a mask and get vaccinated against #COVID19, but how do we treat the stress and frustrations that come with it? #CalHOPE offers free emotional support services for all stages of the pandemic. Live chat with us today at
As our lives slowly return to normal, you might still feel stress and anxiety about where we go from here. #CalHOPE offers free #COVID19 emotional support services. Live chat with us at
As we navigate new stages of the pandemic, we could all still use a little extra hope.
#CalHOPE offers free #COVID19 emotional support services for every Californian. Live chat with us today at
Still feeling lonely, anxious, or stressed because of #COVID19? We may have different worries and frustrations now than we had a year ago, but #CalHOPE is still here for you. Live chat with us today at
Hashtag Samples:
#TeamCalHOPE #YourActionsSaveLives #WearAMask #VaccinateAll58
More Toolkit Resources
(promotes live chat)
Google Drive
(does not promote live chat)
Google Drive
(promotes live chat)
Google Drive
(does not promote live chat)
Google Drive
(does not promote live chat)
Google Drive
Please note that each graphic includes the image ratio in the file name. Here’s a key to help identify which image ratio should be used on the different social media platforms:
900 x 900 = Instagram, Facebook, Other
800 x 600 = Instagram, Facebook, Other
1080 x 1920 = Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Other
1920 x 1080 = Snapchat, Other that requires a vertical format, and Instagram/Facebook stories
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“Help could be a message away”